Many people are not aware prior to their diagnosis with diabetes that complications with your feet and legs are a common occurrence for those with the disease. Consumers frequently walk past some of the products offered for these diabetic problems without thinking twice. The people who have diabetes are infinitely more aware of the complications that can arise.
Diabetes Feet Swelling & Problems
Let’s start by understanding why these complications with your feet and legs occur. Researchers are not sure why but they do know that high blood sugar levels cause nerve damage. This nerve damage can cause a variety of issues including diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. Diabetic neuropathy is a condition where you lose feeling in your feet and hands. Neuropathy makes it so that your feet do not get the message to sweat. This causes dry feet, cracked skin on the feet, calluses, and bunions. Peripheral vascular disease is when fatty deposits block the blood vessels. When blood vessels near the brain and heart become blocked the blood flow is reduced. Blood flow being reduced to the hands and feet can lead to pain, infection, slow healing wounds, and possible amputation in severe cases.
How to Prevent Diabetic Foot Complications
Diabetes sufferers can take some steps to help prevent complications from arising. We have put together a list of helpful things that you can do to improve your foot care and hopefully fight off some of these complications.
Maintain good blood sugar control. Make sure that you follow your doctor’s advice regarding nutrition, exercise, and medication. If your blood sugar is under control the risk of complications is reduced.
Examine your feet daily. A daily check of the top of the feet, bottom of the feet, and between toes is recommended. If you cannot perform this check by yourself have a friend or family member help you. Performing this daily examination will ensure that you do not have any trauma to your feet that you are not aware of. During the examination of your feet address any cuts, sores, blister, punctures, or irritated spots that you may see. If you do notice a problem you will want to contact your doctor for advice if it does not get better after 24 hours.
Wash your feet daily. Washing your feet daily can help prevent infection. Make sure that you dry your feet thoroughly after washing them.
Apply lotion to feet daily. Dry skin is a frequent problem for diabetes patients. Keeping your skin moisturized can help keep them healthier. You may want to ask your doctor what lotion they recommend for you.
Keep your toenails trimmed. When you trim your toenails you want to make sure that you clip them straight across. Do no round of the corners or cut down on the sides of the nails. After you are done cutting them you will want to file them until the edges are smooth.
Wear comfortable shoes. Make sure that you buy shoes that are comfortable and fit your feet well. It is recommended that you do not go barefoot, even around your home.
Protect your feet from extreme temperatures. Extreme hot or cold temperatures can cause damage to your feet. Try avoid extreme temperatures entirely if possible.
Get regular exercise. Regular exercise will help improve your circulation. Improved circulation will improve your foot health.
Schedule regular foot exams. An annual foot exam should be performed by your doctor. Your doctor can inspect your feet and make sure that everything is okay. It is recommended that you see a podiatrist for check-ups.
Podiatrist Specializing in Diabetes
Being proactive by properly taking care of your feet can help reduce the risk of complications with your feet and legs. If you need to schedule your next foot exam please give Belmont Anderson and Associates a call today!